Thursday, November 5, 2009

Reverse Mifgash 2009: Day 2

Monday, November 2
By Karen Slachetka

On Monday night I had the opportunity to participate in a volunteer event with our visiting Israelis. It was great to learn with the Israelis about how extremely active the Washington, DC Jewish Community Center is in the area of community service. Our efforts for the evening aimed to support local after-school programs and food banks, providing food and toiletries to the needy in Washington, DC. The kitchen team, of which I was a member, had a great time making tomato salad, peanut butter sandwiches and bag lunches. It seemed like such minor things, but showing the Israelis how to make a peanut butter sandwich for the first time, hearing about their day, playing games or trying to sing songs to pass the time really made for a memorable experience.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Reverse Mifgash 2009: Day 1

Sunday, November 1
By Yelena Barakh

It was really rewarding to see the Israelis on Sunday night. There was a sense of "Wow, they are here!" After a year of planning, fundraising and talking about their arrival and everything we wanted them to get out of the experience, it was here! I got the feeling that they were all very different, yet had common ground, similar to the members of the young D.C. Jewish community. I'm hoping this is an amazing 10 days for all of us!