Monday, August 17, 2009

Taglit-Birthright Israel: DC Community Trip Day 6

The Golan Heights
"See that country there, there and there"
By Max Spitulnick

I'll begin giving away the ending: they all hate Israel. Clearly, it's not that simple but that's what it boils down to. As we all sat on top of the Golan Heights listening to Itzik, I couldn't help but ask myself, "Why all the turmoil?" Again, there is no clear answer, but as one of our Israeli friends put it "This is the same question that every eight-year-old Israeli asks. After that, you just stop asking." Seeing the international border of Syria and Israel, and seeing them from the Golan Heights, brings the conflict just that much closer. It is easy to see the strategic importance of holding onto higher ground and it is beautiful up there. Even though I was sitting in a bunker on top of a much-fought-over mountain range, looking over Israel and Syria simultaneously, I couldn't help but enjoy the view.

Just looking at Israel from a bus window is great, driving through the Bible is excellent, but everyone says that in order to understand the land, you have to walk it. So we did. We hiked down a mountain and along the Gilabon stream. We then walked back up and got on the bus. It was very hot. Jews are still the best. They certainly still rock.

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